192.168 l 2

192.168 l 2 is the default IP address for home broadband routers and access points are usually sold in some models other than the American.

Use 192.168 l 2 to connect to the router:
If the router uses the address on the local network for 192.168 l 2, you can log on to the router’s console through the Web browser to point to

How can I get the IP address 192.168 l 2 ?
There are much infomations in the internet,but much of the information for 192.168.l.2 is out of date and in some places inaccurate or misleading. In fact, 192.168 l 2 and are the same.If you have a problem with remembering your router’s password or username, you can find the default from Default router password list,if you have changed it ,you need to reset your router.

192.168 l 2 is a private IPv4 network address, which means you can’t connect to the router, use the address from outside the home network.

Default router password list